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Thursday, October 10   

Wednesday, October 9


8:00 - 11:30 am — SHRM Chapter and State Council Leadership Workshop and NHRMA Annual Business Meeting

Current and potential SHRM Chapter and State Council leaders are encouraged to attend at no charge. Pre-registration is required. 

Volunteer leaders will learn skills to assist them in recruiting, motivating and retaining volunteers for their State Council and Chapters so they can better serve the needs of HR professionals and advance the interests of the HR profession.

Many local SHRM chapters are experiencing difficulties in recruiting volunteers to serve as leaders for their State Councils and Chapters.  When they do find them they sometimes run into situations where the volunteer may not have the time necessary to dedicate to their volunteer role within the organization....leaving other leaders to fill in or sometimes not accomplishing what it is required of their role!  Also, many leaders who volunteer are often times so dedicated they end up going from one position to another just to keep the chapter afloat and then they become burnt out!  
Nikki Russell, CVA, Volunteer Initiatives Manager, United Way of King County

8:30 am - 11:30 am — Pre-Conference Intensives

PC01) A Tale of Two Companies: Effective Change Management in M&A
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 3.0 Strategic Business Management Credits
Change is a constant reality in business. Without effective management of change initiatives, often times the effort fails to produce the desired results, costing time, money and productivity.  Defining a Mergers & Acquisition (M&A) change process helps ensure the use of best practices and overall implementation success. This session will provide participants the opportunity to learn about and apply several best practice tools to use in M&A consultations, and identify important key points in the change process. Participants will learn how to apply these tools to a real-world change scenario, and then share experiences and challenges encountered during the change process. 
Keeley Mooneyhan, Managing Partner, HR Matters, Inc., Emeryville, California

PC02) Improv(e) Your Business — Because Life Isn’t Scripted
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 3.0 Strategic Business Managment Credits
The business world today is a dynamically changing environment. Experiencing the unexpected has become the norm for today’s business executives and employees. No longer can we rely on well-defined plans, scripts that guide employees and policy and procedures to ensure the company will achieve its desired outcomes. Successful companies must become agile, flexible and responsive to whatever happens to show up. Employees at all levels must have to skills to embrace any situation and to respond in ways that furthers the purpose and mission of the organization, moving it ever closer towards its vision. Today’s uncertain world requires confidence and courage to improvise in any given moment and confidence requires skills. It is critical that employees have the skills to be innovative and adaptive in today’s business environments. And it doesn’t have to be hard, laborious work. Engaging employees with a sense of play and humor can create deep, lasting results. 
Improvisational performers work with the same uncertainty and limited information that businesses experience. Applying the same Improv skills learned in over 10 years on stage, participants will see how these skills can create magically powerful outcomes and will have fun doing it. 
Improv(e) Your Business merges the laws of creation explained in the book ''The Living Organization: Transforming Business To Create Extraordinary Results” with the skills of improv and the power of stories to create a powerful new system, “Play For Keeps(tm)” to bring out the magic of any organization.  
This workshop will teach the skills of the new system, giving participants a first-hand experience of the power of these skills to create innovative problem solving, collaborative team efforts, engaged, contributing employees, supportive communications, agile, flexible and responsive workforce…and much more. 
Jane Wolfe, CEO, Improv(e) Your Life, Vancouver, Washington
Norman Wolfe, Chairman/CEO, Quantum Leaders, Vancouver, Washington

PC03) Making Peace: Conflict Management Coaching Skills for the HR Professional
Workplace Relations, Employment Law and Risk Management of the Future - Approved for 3.0 General Credits
Interpersonal conflict in multi-cultural organizations is inevitable and costly. 65% of performance issues are due to strained interpersonal relationships in the workplace. An organization, where people with different cultural backgrounds work side by side, needs an analytical conflict resolution tool, which integrates the cognitive, emotional, behavioral and relational dimensions of the human condition in conflict, regardless of cultural background. 
In this interactive workshop participants will be introduced to and practice with The (Not So) Merry Go Round of Conflict (“NSMGR”) a tool developed by conflict management coaching pioneer, Cinnie Noble, as part of the 7-step Cinergy® Model, a unique and evidence-based conflict management coaching model. This analytical tool offers the HR manager a simple and powerful method to help employees effectively engage in and manage their conflict behaviors and interpersonal disputes.
Berry Kruijning, Conflict Management Consultant, Crowning Communications, Lake Oswego, Oregon

PC04) Tomorrow's Dynamic Organization — A Place Where Women Leaders Flourish
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 3.0 General Credits
Forty years after the women’s revolution, women are still not advancing as leaders and their work lives remain unequal to men’s. It is time again to create environments where women can develop to take high level leadership roles. International talent from other countries is staying home due to excellent education and training and greater work opportunities leaving opportunities for women to step in. In addition, more than 130 American women are graduating from college to every 100 men and more women are completing graduate degrees then men. Therefore women in America are now our greatest untapped talent pool. The opportunity is clear.
We know that commitment to family life and differing ambitions have created divergence between male and female career paths and that many organizations have followed a white male competitive work model designed for middle-class males in the 1960s. The model’s success relies on the traditional division of labor between men and women, with men as breadwinners and woman as full-time home makers. This model penalized career women wanting family lives and children and drew leaders from other countries to take their place. Learn how to develop environments where the needs of developing women leaders can align with organizational outcomes. Discover the career “off ramps” and “scenic routes” women take in order to integrate their careers and have families. Be able to apply the internal and external dialogues and strategies necessary for creating a paradigm shift for more women to become leaders. Finally, learn the most effective processes to address five themes that must change for women in order for them to become high level leaders in today’s organizations.
Janaki Severy, President, Managing Dynamics, Seattle, Washington

PC05) So You Think You Want to be an HR Consultant?
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 3.0 General Credits
The world of HR is changing...more work is being outsourced to Consultants and specialists. Projections suggest that HR departments may shrink but consulting may expand. The question is, have you ever considered becoming an HR Consultant? Want to know if you have what it takes to assist dozens of organizations with their HR projects/needs? Think consulting gives you independence and the ability to work when you want to? Want to know what it is like behind the curtain of consulting firms? Are you a potential part of this new consulting future?
This session will answer many of your questions, give you a good look at the life and life-style of HR consultants, let you know what you need to know or learn to be successful, and help you decide if consulting is a good career option for you.
Judy Clark, President, HR Answers, Inc., Tualatin, Oregon

PC07) Workplace Violence Prevention: From Awareness to Action
Workplace Relations, Employment Law and Risk Management of the Future - Approved for 3.0 General Credits
From visitor to violator, intrusion to hostile to life-threatening situations, this workshop provides systems and techniques for proactive steps rather than dangerous reactive impulses. Elevate awareness with an in-depth and interactive discussion, demonstrating the safety and security procedures for threat reporting systems, reviews current security procedures, visitor check-in and badge policies, tailgating and piggybacking issues, and follow through for a disciplinary action plan. 
Jesus Villahermosa will discuss the definition and categories of workplace violence, behavioral characteristics of a workplace killer, non-verbal communication techniques to assist you in contacting potential intruders, coded alerts, lockdown responsibilities, and how evacuation plans can enhance your lockdown plan. This training will be presented with the most current statistical information and the reality that only Jesus, as a current law enforcement supervisor and active S.W.A.T. Team member, can bring into such a training. Walk away with a renewed sense of awareness that you can use both at work and in your daily lives.
Jesus Villahermosa, Jr., President/Founder, Crisis Reality Training, Inc., University Place, Washington

PC08) Emotional Intelligence
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 3.0 General Credits
In this training, you’ll learn how to develop self-awareness and use this to build and maintain effective relationships.  You’ll discover how to not get so caught up in misunderstandings, how to rethink assumptions and understand different perspectives. You will be able to enhance relationships, create a positive influence in your workplace and produce the results you want.
Paul Figueroa, CEO, Peace Enforcement LLC, Seattle, Washington

11:30 am - 1:00 pm  Lunch on Own  

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm  Concurrent Workshops

W01) Investigations: Beyond the Basic Practices and Healing a Workplace Divided (Presentation)
Workplace Relations, Employment Law and Risk Management of the Future - Approved for 2.0 General Credits
Not so long ago, most organizations outsourced their investigations of allegations of harassment and discrimination. We were assumed to not have the experience or knowledge to handle the more complex, serious investigations. Part 1 of this session is designed to provide tips and techniques for experienced investigators to hone their skills and to remind them of lessons learned. We will also discuss some of the latest neuroscience research on the reliability of witnesses and memory.  
Part 2 of the session will cover what to do after the difficult investigation is over. You’ve taken prompt, effective and appropriate action. And now, business must go on with the complainant, alleged offender and witnesses working together again. What can be done to help make the path forward easier for all concerned and reduce the risks of new problems? Learn some strategies for rebuilding trust and teamwork, while avoiding creating new legal issues!
Kristina Moris, President, The Washington Firm, Ltd., New York, New York

W02) 21st Century HRM: Practice Informed By Science (Presentation)
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 2.0 Strategic Business Management Credits
Today's organizations must cope with economic uncertainty, diverse workforces, demanding customers, dramatic technological change and fierce competition. All functions and business units must contribute to organizational success and as being thought of as staff overhead is fatal, HR must evolve into a discipline that is business focused. Functions like Finance and Marketing have increasingly applied science to practice and have gained recognition as major contributors to organizational performance. HR must become competent in the application of science-based techniques, such as environmental scanning, scenario-based planning, quantitative analysis and the application of research if it is to cope with the demands made of it and to be acknowledged as an indispensable asset.
Robert Greene, CEO, Reward Systems, Inc., Glenview, Illinois

W03) Orchestrating Higher Levels of Strategic Impact (Presentation)
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 2.0 Strategic Business Management Credits
This is the presentation your CEO wants you to attend! Tom will walk you step-by-step through creating higher levels of strategic impact in your organization. Every HR professional can dramatically grow their strategic impact, with almost no additional work — what's required is to think about HR and strategy the way a CEO thinks, and to shift 5-10% of your work effort to exactly the right things.
Thomas Cox, Managing Consultant, Cox Business Consulting, Inc., Beaverton, Oregon

W04) Cut Through the Clutter: Understanding the Latest Healthcare Reform Regulations (Presentation)
Total Rewards of the Future - Approved for 2.0 General Credits
The steady stream of regulations clarifying federal healthcare reform continues to overwhelm our mailboxes. Is your company prepared to comply with all the new requirements, including coping with exchanges and new wellness plan rules? The decisions you make today will directly impact the choices your employees may make in this changing marketplace. In this session, Sally Wineman, JD, an experienced benefits legal consultant and celebrated speaker, will review the highlights of what you should expect and share ideas on how you should prepare, based on the most recent regulatory guidance.
Sally Crum Wineman, Area Senior Vice President, Compliance Counsel, Gallagher Benefit Services, Bellevue, Washington

W05) Mentoring — From Missed Opportunity to Strategic Advantage (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 2.0 General Credits
When people are your competitive advantage, your success lies in the caliber of your workforce. An undeveloped workforce is not only stagnant, it’s riddled with mediocrity. Don’t ignore the power of mentoring to develop and prepare people to make a business impact! 
Architected correctly mentoring can be your strategic advantage instead of your missed opportunity. Discover the proven 7-step process for designing Smart Mentoring Programs that contribute to the success of your bottom line and your talent. We’ll look at best (and worst) practices, easy ways to get started, and how to engage everyone in the process. In this session you will architect your own framework for a best-in-class mentoring initiative, ready to implement on Monday morning!
Ann Tardy, CEO, LifeMoxie Mentoring, Naperville, Illinois
Sue Malan, Director of Operations, LifeMoxie, Naperville, Illinois

W06) Transgender People in the Workplace — Successful Transitions
Workplace Relations, Employment Law and Risk Management of the Future - Approved for 2.0 General Credits
As social awareness increases, more transgender people are transitioning on the job.  But where is the roadmap? It is easy for an employer to be caught off guard when this issue presents itself. What are the legal obligations? How should an employer address this issue with other employees? What are the best ways to handle name changes, pronoun changes, and bathroom usage? 
Most people know very little about this population and a gender transition can inspire anxiousness, uncertainty and fear that can result in a challenging work environment. Responsibilities and expectations exist for everyone involved directly or indirectly, but vary significantly. In this session, you'll learn about transgender people and issues in a way that will not only ease any discomfort but allow this life-changing transition to be successful, not only for the transgender individual but also for everyone in the work environment. Join us in this session as Aidan Key, Director of Gender Diversity, demystifies this long-misunderstood topic and brings it into the 21st century. You'll hear from an HR manager and employee who successfully navigated this very issue and have opportunity for questions.
Aidan Key, Director, Gender Diversity, Bellingham, Washington
Heather Bolek, HR Manager, Financial Pacific Leasing, Bellingham, Washington

W07) Power Strategies for HR:  How to Grab Management's Attention and Influence Decision Making (Presentation)
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 2.0 Strategic Business Management Credits
There is a tremendous amount of information to improve HR’s ability to strategically partner with organizational leadership. However, sometimes the challenge is not in demonstrating your HR skills and capabilities… it is simply getting senior management to include HR in the discussion in the first place.
This session will explore HR's ability to gain influence within organizations. We will examine various strategies to gain management’s attention and unlock doors to decision makers. We will explore the business environment of 2013 and identify areas of opportunity for HR to improve business performance. An examination of social psychological principles in the field of social power strategies will be applied to today's workplace.  A tool kit of practical techniques will be discussed to better influence management to execute an HR agenda.  
HR sits in a tremendous position to positive effect the direction of organizations. This fun & interactive session will provide guidance on how to gain the ear of the influential leaders within your company.
Michael Walters, Vice President, Human Resources, Verathon Medical, Bothell, Washington

W08) Being an Employer of Choice
Credits Pending
Building a Global Talent Pipeline Attracting & Retaining Top Talent. Defining your “Employee Value Proposition”, linking it to being an “Employer of Choice” in your business markets. Carol will share how to create your global HR strategy while considering local country practices.
Carol Olsby, Principal, Global and Domestic HR Consultancy, Carol Olsby & Associates, Inc., Seattle, Washington

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm — Exhibitor Check-In and Install

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm — Exhibitor Orientation

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm — Opening General Session featuring Keynote Speaker, Pat Cashman — "Bridging the Past to the Future"

Approved for 1.5 Strategic Business Management Credits

Remaining relevant is the ONLY way to substantially grow your organization. If you’re relevant, you can build an outstanding workforce, attract the best people---and keep them. But it doesn’t come easy. You will have to accelerate your “A” game to earn that advantage. And, you will have to re-double your efforts to retain the valued base you already have. Pat Cashman unveils inspiring case studies and examples that span the landscape of retail, manufacturing, B2B, construction, healthcare---and how it all applies to today’s human resource professionals. He describes---with hard facts and humor---what it takes for leaders in your field to reap incredible rewards, by demonstrating that the “Bridge to the Future” is a bridge you should be on NOW.

As a legacy certified presenter for Ross Shafer Consultants, Inc. and a regular consultant for Microsoft and Real Networks, Pat Cashman understands the clear parallel between broadcasting and “making a profit by leveraging what the culture gives us.”  Pat has received multiple Emmy awards for his work on the Disney TV series, Bill Nye the Science Guy and he is the announcer for Wii’s enormously popular Super Smash Bros. Brawl.  Pat was a regular cast member and writer on the sketch comedy show, Almost Live which was syndicated world-wide and ran for two seasons on Comedy Central. He hosted “The Pat Cashman Show” on morning radio in Seattle for nearly twenty years and was consistently voted “Listeners’ Top Choice.” His character voices are heard on countless national commercials.  Pat Cashman keeps a busy production and speaking schedule but still has time to be a magazine and newspaper columnist, creative writer for TV, radio, print and web media, of popular awards emcee, and charity auctioneer. And he is most recently a writer and performer on a new Northwest TV comedy sketch show, ‘the 206.'

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm — Welcome Reception and SHRM Foundation's Silent Auction